Our Vision

To see all incarcerated individuals become truly free, healed, full of hope, empowered to succeed, and discover their true value, through unconditional love and acceptance, whether they are released or not. We want to bring awareness to the free world, so that everyone shares this passion.

Look at the successes you’ve contributed to!

- - - testimonies of some of the Hope Beyond women who have been released - - -

Kay drives special needs children in SF, program graduate, purchased a car, and is happily reunited with her family.

Ronnie works for another nonprofit reentry organization as a liaison.

  • Tanya works for a county office, program graduate, advocate for social justice. 

  • Lynne works for a rehab center as an addiction counselor, program graduate, purchased a car, reunited with her family.

  • Daisy works as a security guard.

  • Arlene is a full-time student, enjoying her family and grandchildren.

  • Tanna is a property manager, in school, and has taught many others about the healing she has received.

  • Addie has a part time job and is finishing her groups.

  • Layla paroled after 54 years!

  • Sally is an assistant manager at a hotel, got license & car.

  • Lina is reunited with family, has experienced major healing from childhood trauma, works at loss prevention. 

  • (names have been changed for the privacy and protection of the women)

…and these are just a few!

What is H O P E ?

H — Hearts United

O — On Board for Life

P —Partnering in Perseverance

E — Exit for Eternity

  • The first phase is about building relationships and HOPE, while corresponding with people on the ‘inside’ through an app (Global Tel Link, GTL) and/or through regular US mail. The email platform cost is far less than postage stamps. Phone calls are free (you are not obligated to this). Volunteering in this phase you will provide mentor support, build trust and relationship, conversing about everyday life and getting to know one another, just like any other relationship is formed. You will be overcome with joy and hope yourself as you embark on this amazing journey of LIFE with you penpals. We offer training.

  • This phase assists inmates who have life sentences with the possibility of parole to prepare required paperwork using our tested curriculum, along with our mentorship penpal connections, which together promote deep soul-searching and H O P E. Our specially trained staff helps those who have a life sentence, as well as those who do not, work on their rehabilitation in this process. Some will have a hearing with the Board of Parole panel to determine their suitability for release. They are required to work through all past trauma, look at how it has affected their life, and prove how they now live differently and are no longer a risk to society.

  • The possible scenarios in this phase:

    • suitability/release

    • non-suitability/denial

    In this phase, we will focus on the 90 – 120 day waiting period for the status of their possible release date from the Board/Governor. This waiting period brings on high levels of anxiety and fears of the “unknown”. As their penpal, your mentor support will include: continued support writing to them if they have been denied release, as well as during their preparation for release, if suitability was determined. The women need extra HOPE during these times! Your encouragement to them is huge now and always!

  • Once we know the individual’s release date, next is the divine phase of freedom! However, their transition back to society can be stressful, lonely, and difficult. If your penpal is released to a different area geographically, the practical support is limited. However, maintaining relationships are forever extremely important in order to continue contact, accountability, emotional support, and continue to offer HOPE.

    U p o n T h e i r R e l e a s e - We continue relationships and offer guidance, connecting them to resources for their successful transition back into the community. We also visit them in person after their release, (along with you, their penpal, if you wish!) continuing to offer companionship and H O P E long term.